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What are the consequences of not running a TPMS on your 4WD and Caravan?

The potential issues of not running a TPMS on your 4WD or Caravan way out ways the initial cost. Not only can a TPMS prevent accidents, but it will also notify you if there is a potential problem with your tyres whether it be pressure or temperature related. Using a quality TPMS could be a…

The importance of running correct tyre pressures on caravan

The importance of running correct tyre pressures on caravan

Maintaining the correct tyre pressures on caravan is vitally important. If the pressures are too high, or low, the chance of puncture damage is dramatically increased. The caravan can also become less stable. This will create more opportunity for tyre damage and the potential of your caravan swaying and all the risks associated that come…

Why tyre pressure monitoring system is an important part of safety features?

Why tyre pressure monitoring system is an important part of safety features?

The nightmare prospect of suffering a tyre blowout while towing a caravan or driving a large motorhome is enough to make even the most experienced driver break out in a cold sweat. The sometimes catastrophic consequences of these incidents, whether they be on a busy highway or a narrow rural road, command huge publicity. Newspaper…